St. Thomas Aquinas on the Cross
I'm just a bit late with this: Yesterday, we celebrated the feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, the great 13th century friar, scholar and doctor of the church. He is without question one of the greatest theologians in Church history. Fortunately, he wrote prodigiously and we still have his writings, hymns, Scripture commentaries and more. Below is a brief snippet from the breviary (the Church's daily prayer book) with his reflections on how the Cross encompasses all the virtues (habits of holiness) which we strive for. This is also available online at From a conference by Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest The Cross exemplifies every virtue Why did the Son of God have to suffer for us? There was a great need, and it can be considered in a twofold way: in the first place, as a remedy for sin, and secondly, as an example of how to act. It is a remedy, for, in the face of all the evils which we incur on account of our sins, we have found relief t...