Novena Prayer for Life (9 Days for Life)


UPDATED: 1/21  @ 9:30 p.m.  Fixed broken link below for the novena.   Sorry!

In preparation for the nationwide Day of Prayer and Penance for the Legal Protection of the Unborn tomorrow (Saturday, January 22nd), the U.S. Bishops have provided very helpful resources suggesting a daily prayer and act of penance for nine days straight.  This "novena" tradition -- of invoking the Lord intensely in prayer and penance for important intercessions -- is rooted way back to the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

It marks the most important of prayer requests and the protection of life in the womb is one that the Church has always taught is of pre-eminent importance, since the right to life and protection of the most innocent is foundational not only to our faith but for human flourishing in any society.

Please pray and act on this novena prayer they provide.  You can choose any consecutive nine-day period, but I recommend starting today, January 21st, the day that hundreds of thousands will peacefully pray and march toward the U.S. Supreme Court, or tomorrow, January 22nd, the actual anniversary of the Roe. v. Wade decision in 1973 which did such grave harm in our nation to unborn children, their mothers, their fathers, and our whole society. 

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