Resources for the Day of Prayer for Unborn Life


In addition to the information from the last post regarding the Day of Prayer and Penance for Legal Protection of the Unborn coming up this Saturday, January 22nd, the Archdiocese's pro-life office has provided a great summary of local pro-life activities in greater Cincinnati that you can participate in this week, including a Rosary rally downtown; prayer outside of Cincinnati's Planned Parenthood facility in Mt. Auburn (Cincinnati) with Mass and adoration at a church nearby; and other activities. 

For those who don't want to travel that far, we will also have a Mass for life at St. Peter at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.

The March for Life itself in Washington, D.C., is a prayerful witness of hundreds of thousands praying and marching in the nation's capital from the Washington monument to the U.S. Supreme Court.  That occurs Friday, January 21st from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. (the vigil day of the Roe v. Wade anniversary).  You can watch that live on ETWN, on cable or via their television website. 

You can also find out more at the website of the March for Life organization.

Finally, if you can't leave your home, please pray a Rosary asking Our Lady to intercede for the protection of the unborn and the softening of hearts of all those promoting the evil of abortion. 

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