Prayers for the legal protection of the unborn


Our American bishops have recently dedicated January 22nd each year as a nationwide day of prayer and penance for the legal protection of unborn children.

They chose this date since it is the anniversary of the radically unjust U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, which overrode the power of any state to prevent the killing of children in the womb.

 This month, we will be at 49 years since that dreadful judgment.

While it is always critical to promote the right to life with maximum determination [cf. para. 38], as St. John Paul II so boldly taught, it is especially important this year, as the future of Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance with a case currently before the high Court (Dobbs. vs Jackson) which could narrow or even overturn that previous ruling.   

I encourage you and your families to take seriously this commitment to pray on this day (Saturday, January 22nd), since the right to life is the foundational issue upon which all other human rights are based. 

I will be celebrating the Mass for the protection of the unborn that day at St. Peter parish at 9:00 a.m.    I hope you can join us there. 

The bishops provide more information on this special day of prayer.  

If you are able to do so, please pray a Rosary for this intention alone or together with your family on or near January 22nd.  

The U.S. Bishops are encouraging parishioners to pray a novena (nine days of consecutive prayer) from January 19th-27th.  You can sign uponline to pray these brief daily prayers here:

Finally, just a note regarding the "day of penance."  Please consider offering some penance just as you do during Lent (giving up something like meat, television or video games, internet browsing, dessert, etc.).  The Church teaches that prayers are always more effective when combined with penance. 

Thanks for your prayerful participation in defending the Gospel of Life.

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