Pro-life Novena for the Feast of the Visitation


The U.S. Bishops are encouraging Catholics to pray a novena to protect life, especially life in the womb.  The suggested dates for that are from today (Sunday, May 22nd) through May 31st, the Feast of the visitation.  That's especially fitting because this mystery recalls the encounter between the Blessed Virgin Mary, carrying the Christ child in her womb (fully man though fully God, so a real human baby) to her cousin Elizabeth, who carried the great forerunner of Christ, St. John the Baptist, in her womb. 

St. Luke learned this scene from the Blessed Mother herself, and notes that St. John was already able to respond to the Holy Spirit of Christ from within the womb, as he leapt for joy.

When we contemplate that mystery, it makes it even harder to understand how so many would want to extinguish the precious life God gives us in the womb. 

Here's the link to sign up for the novena by email, or, if you prefer you can print out the full text.

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