Confession availability (drive-up confessions) [UPDATED]

UPDATED 3/31/20.  See new entry for St. Mary's confession time.

OK.  So my makeshift confessional won't look quite as elegant as the confessional booth in this photo, but I have set up a temporary outdoor confession station at St. Peter's, in the picnic shelter behind the church.

I will be posting more hours here on this blog and also posting a sign on the shelter posts as I add hours over the next few days.  The first confession hour will be Monday, 3/30, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.  Please spread the word.  If there are still penitents waiting at 6:00, I will wait too.

I am also giving thought to when and how I can hear confessions at St. Mary's.  Will keep you posted on that.

Please note that the church allows confessions outdoors in these unusual circumstances, so the sacrament will be valid even though not offered in church.

Here are instructions for using the makeshift "drive through" confession station at St. Peter:

  • Confessions will be "anonymous" only
  • In order to preserve social distance, I have set up a picnic table to separate me from you the penitent.  Please stay on your side and don't walk around it.
  • On your side of the picnic table (at the entrance to the shelter) will be a chair and a kneeler, so you can either sit or kneel as you make your confession.
  • I will have my back to you, sitting behind the picnic table
  • You will have to speak a bit louder than normal, because of the distance.   But don't worry, the nearest neighbor is 100 yards away in either direction, so they can't hear you.
  • When you arrive, simply pull up to the back of the parking lot (the corner handicapped spot is ideal if it is free) and walk down the sidewalk into the shelter.
  • If you see someone else there, please wait in your car until the previous penitent is done to preserve the privacy of his or her confession.
  • I will have examination of conscience sheets with the act of contrition printed out and available in the shelter.  Here is one online to help you prepare at home.
  • If you are hard of hearing, or would have difficulty walking the distance of the sidewalk from the parking lot into the shelter, please call the parish office to make alternate arrangements.  If you want to preserve your anonymity, please have someone else call on your behalf and set up the time.
  • As always, if you have questions, please phone me at the parish office at 513-553-3267 ext. 4.

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