Roe v. Wade at a Crossroads - How Catholics should respond

 UPDATED: 12 May 2022

As many of you know, the Supreme Court has on its docket this summer an important case (Dobbs vs. Jackson) which could narrow or even entirely reverse the gravely unjust Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 which, together with a companion case, effectively requires abortion to be legally protected for virtually any reason at any stage in pregnancy in every state in the Union.  (While there are some limits, the Court doctrine of "undue burden" has been interpreted so broadly that it makes most regulation impossible in any state).   Our U.S. Bishops have been asking all Americans to pray for the end of legal structures protecting a so-called "constitutional right" to kill a child in the womb. 

In an unprecedented confidentiality breach, a preliminary draft of the opinion on that case has been leaked, which the Chief Justice confirmed as authentic.   This draft opinion essentially invalidates Roe v. Wade, indicating that it has no proper constitutional basis.  However, rulings are not "locked in" until they are released.  That final opinion is expected no later than July.

If the draft opinion stands, that would certainly be very good news for the nation.  However, it would not make abortion illegal nationwide.  Instead, it would return to the status quo before 1973, wherein each state would determine its own law regarding abortion, and thus give people closer to the issue a chance to vote on that legislation and influence their local legislators.  The Church teaches by the principle of subsidiarity that decisions should generally be decided at the most local level possible.   Additionally, she teaches that an inherently unjust law (such as one requiring participation in the grave evil of killing child in the womb) need not be obeyed.  

If the ruling stands, it would give many Christians and other pro-life advocates a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work to defend the most vulnerable life, the unborn children in the womb, on the local level.

Not surprisingly, the zealous advocates of abortion and one of our major political parties are viciously attacking this ruling.  Joseph Biden (a baptized Catholic) has been quite vocal in his public opinion that the Court's draft decision is wrong and that there is a "right" to kill children.  Some citizens are going so far as to attempt to intimidate Supreme Court justices outside their homes (in violation of federal law).  The White House is essentially condoning this activity.

There has been considerable violence and vandalism directed against Catholic churches nationwide as well as pro-life pregnancy centers.  This is an orchestrated move.  I have one pastor friend in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who reports that people trespassed overnight onto his church property to place coat hangers on the door handles, in an apparent act of vandalism claiming that women will kill their children themselves if abortion facilities are not open.  There is no evidence that this was ever the case.

We certainly need to work and pray so that we will not squander this opportunity.   Our bishops are encouraging us to pray and fast tomorrow, on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. 

If the opinion is released as stands, then many states will be locked in an intense battle for the protection of life. That battle will definitely be fierce and is deeper than just political differences.  

I can not emphasize enough how deeply engrained the evil of the killing of our innocents has become in American culture, in many powerful and elite institutions.  In addition to a large percentage of our politicians who are deeply entrenched, many of the largest and wealthiest corporations have been strongly allied with Planned Parenthood, who commit more abortions than  any other agency.  Many of these same corporations are now vowing to put their substantial resources toward the cause of making the killing of children as easy as possible.  For example, Amazon is reported to be including as a job benefit the payment of thousands of dollars per person to any employee to travel anywhere she wishes to procure an abortion.   Microsoft has followed suit. 

But ultimately, this is not only a political battle, but primarily a spiritual one.  The Evil One seeks to destroy life and marriage and will certainly not take this lying down.

In addition to the U.S. Bishops' plan, I recommend praying the Rosary for several intentions: (1) for the Supreme Court, for the safety of the justices and their willingness to stand up to the fury of those promoting what St. John Paul II called "the culture of death."  (2) for prudence and wisdom in advancing the culture  of life, now that an opportunity may be opening up; (3) for those women still suffering guilt over past abortions, that we may help them find healing and forgiveness in Christ; (4) for the conversion of particular politicians you know (by name) who are still promoting the grave evil of abortion.

On that last one, it may be fitting to offer particular prayers for the sitting president.  

To read more background about this case, check out the National Catholic Register


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