Ordinations to the priesthood this weekend


UPDATED: May 21st

With great joy, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati ordained seven men to the priesthood today  at the Cathedral Basilica downtown.  .   Their biographical sketches are available from the Catholic Telegraph.  If you are curious what an ordination ceremony looks like, you can view it here on YouTube.  Their first assignments are also posted.

Last month we also ordained seven seminarians to the diaconate, including the South Clermont region's own Deacon Patrick Blenman.  Every seminarian is ordained a deacon about a year before he is ordained to the priesthood and at that time promises to lay down his life in celibacy to love the Church in a completely dedicated and undivided way, as well as promising to pray the Church's breviary prayer cycle every day of his life on behalf of the Church and her needs. 

At the same time, 14 men were ordained to the permanent diaconate as well, to serve as deacons in the parishes to assist the bishop and priests in care for the poor and administration of the sacraments.

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