Our Lady of Guadalupe and the dignity of human life


As we seek to re-build a truly Catholic culture, I highly recommend the work of one apostolate entitled the Catholic Education Resource Center (CERC).

Next Sunday is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

It won't be celebrated liturgically (the Mass of the 2nd Sunday of Advent takes precedence) but we should still turn to Our Lady and remind ourselves of the story of her appearance in the Americas.

CERC has an excellent article on the culture of the time, and the progress that the Spanish colonists -- and Our Lady -- made in overcoming the practice of ritual sacrifice that was baked in to the Aztec culture, a scourge that took the life of many tens of thousands of indigenous Americans.  As we seek to overcome the scourge of the destruction of innocent life in the womb in our own time and place, and as Christians across the nation pray for the Supreme Court in the crucially important Dobbs case (which could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade), it is worth pondering the story.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us! 

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