Beacons of Light final parish alignment announced


Archbishop Schnurr has finalized the alignment of parishes for next July, as part of the Beacons of Light initiative to adjust the use of our priest personnel and parish resources to meet the needs of the faithful throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. 

Our two parishes, St. Mary and St. Peter, will be aligned in a new four-parish region, or “family of parishes (FOP)” including ourselves and St. Bernadette in Amelia and St. Thomas More in Withamsville.

Our parish councils and transition planning committees will begin work in January to prepare for this realignment.  The Archdiocese will be providing guidance throughout this process as well. 

Before the initial transition happens on July 1, 2022, Archbishop will assign two priests to the new region (FOP): one pastor and one parochial vicar, that is, a priest who is assigned full time to the region to assist the pastor in the celebration of the sacraments and other priestly duties.  This assignment of priests will not likely be finalized until February or March of 2022  Note that both priests will be assigned to serve all four of the parishes. 

For more information and to view the alignment of parishes for the whole Archdiocese, please visit the website We will also post this soon on our new parish website, and current website, 

Please continue to pray for the Archbishop and his delegates as we work together to implement this plan to revitalize our parishes.

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