Facing the Father together


For this Advent season only this year (Masses of November 28th through December 23rd), Fr. Reutter will be offering all of his parish Masses in the traditional posture of the Church, with the priest and people together symbolically facing the Father.  (This liturgical orientation is sometimes called by its Latin names, ad orientem or ad Deum which mean "facing the East" or "facing God [the Father]"

This way of celebrating the Mass has centuries-long and ancient roots.  In fact, it was mandatory for much of the Church's history.  After the Second Vatican Council, two options were introduced: the traditional posture or Mass facing the people (versus populum, to use the Latin phrase). 

This resource page has some information on the symbolism behind this option and how it helps to reveal what is happening in the mystery of the Mass.

* Fr. Mike Schmitz video, "Pray the Mass like never before."  This is a general video on the mystery of the Mass, with a presentation to a youth gathering explaining meaning and power of the sacrament.  The speaker is a popular youth evangelist from Minnesota.  Although it is geared to youth, it's a great reminder for people of all ages.  It includes a short section on why Fr. Schmitz thinks celebrating the Mass "facing the Father" helps engage people in the Mass.   The whole 45-minute video is worth watching but if you are just interested in the "facing East" part, that section on "facing the Father" runs from about 30:00 to 36.00

* Fr. Jonathan Meyer information sheets.  Father Meyer is currently the pastor of All Saints Parish in Southeastern, Indiana.  This is what we call a "family of parishes" in our diocese - with many parishes united together under his pastorship.   Some of our parish men know him from the very popular e6 men's conference.  He celebrates all of his Masses in his parishes ad orientem and this webpage from All Saints gives a helpful Q&A explaining what Mass ad orientem is and isn't. 

* A short primer on ad orientem Mass from Corpus Christi Watershed, an apostolate for the renewal of sacred music.

* A series of brief bulletin inserts on ad orientem Mass from a parish near Seattle, Washington. 

* Fr. Reutter's parish bulletin insert on ad orientem worship, facing the Father (for November 21st bulletin). 

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