Beacons of Light parish groupings announced


The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has recently announced the draft plan for the new "Families of Parishes (FOPs)" -- the groupings of parishes throughout the 19 counties of our local church.  

These are available for viewing at the website for the Beacons of Light pastoral initiative which is attempting to formulate the best path forward for parishes in the light of declining number of active parishioners and active priests.   The parish family listing is available here.

This is a draft only.  The Archbishop is not expected to finalize these groupings until some time in November  so it is possible that there could be some changes before then.  But according to the current draft, as you can see, the current two-parish South Clermont Catholic region is projected to be divided into two different FOPs.  St. Peter will be grouped with St. Bernadette (Amelia) and St. Thomas More (Withamsville).  St. Mary will be grouped with five Brown County parishes: St. Angela Merici (Fayetteville), St. George (Georgetown), St. Mary (Arnheim), St. Michael (Mt. Orab), St. Michael (Ripley). 

Please pray for the Archbishop as he makes final decisions on the plan for wisdom in making the best decisions possible, and for the priests and people of the Archdiocese as we make this challenging transition together. 

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