Pope Francis' restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass


Pope Francis has recently issued a decree severely restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) (sometimes also called the extraordinary form of the Mass).  This is the rite of the Mass that was celebrated continuously for hundreds of years until the Mass was modified as a result of the Second Vatican Council beginning in the 1960s and 1970s.    As recently as 14 years ago, Pope Emeritus Benedict had opened the celebration of the old rite very widely to all priests and faithful who wished to celebrate the Mass in that form.   This action by the current holy father reverses most of that progress and allows bishops to severely restrict it at their discretion.  

Many people who loved the TLM are disappointed in the Holy Father's decision, but it is within his authority as the Supreme Pontiff to do so.

In his writings, the Holy Father indicated that he was making this decision because the celebration of the old rite was causing "division."  Not everyone agrees with that, and in fact some believe that this decree itself will increase division in the Church. 

Please pray for the Holy Father and all those who love the TLM.

Until very recently, this form of the Mass was celebrated at many local parishes throughout our Archdiocese.  According to the provisions decree, most of those communities will have to cease and desist immediately.  However, Archbishop Schnurr is working quickly to establish places where the TLM will continue to be celebrated in light of this new decree, entitled Traditionis Custos, including two in inner-city Cincinnati.

I recommend reading the always journalistically excellent National Catholic Register for those interested in finding out more about this.

Here are a few of their pieces.

Consequences of the decree

Reaction of Catholics

Msgr. Charles Pope's Reflection

The fruits of the TLM and why some are drawn to it


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