The month of June


Some of the Catholic feasts day are on different days each year (depending on when Easter falls).

This year, we celebrated two of the great feast of the Church in June: Corpus Christ (the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) and the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sacred Heart was on June 11th this year, but it is a good devotion for families to pray together any time. The memorial for the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary is always celebrated the day after the feast of the Sacred Heart. 

Catholic homes should have some kind of image of both of these, to remind us visually that we come to Heaven through the love of the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

I have a couple images of the sacred heart and immaculate heart from a donor to give away at St. Peter's if anyone is interested. 

Here is a traditional prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, called the Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In an increasingly secular world, it is important to keep your families focused on the Church's calendars.  If we don't, our children and grandchildren will be absorbed into the secular calendar instead. 

The corporate and media world are increasingly aggressive about promoting spiritually damaging things on that calendar.  For instance, the media and corporate world are currently bombarding us with what they call  June "Pride month," an attempt to normalize sexual relations and sexual practices that are gravely contrary to God's plan.  They are even pushing this aggressively now on children's TV shows and cartoon networks such as Nickelodeon.  Parents must be increasingly vigilant about what media their children consume. 

I have mentioned before that those suffering from same-sex attraction who want to live in accord with Christ's teaching may benefit from a very helpful apostolate called Courage.  They have local chapters in the Cincinnati area and also support family members. 

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