New priests for Cincinnati


This Saturday, May 15th, Archbishop Schnurr will be ordaining seven new men to the priesthood for service to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  A very happy day!  You can read the personal stories of these men here.  I am sure that link will also be updated after Saturday to include stories about the ordination itself.

Please pray for these men by name: Soon-to-be Fathers Michael Kapolka, Aaron Hess, Edward Hoffman, Louis Jacquemin, Elijah Puthoff, Scott Morgan, and Anthony Marcelli.

In addition to this good news, two men were recently ordained to serve the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, a religious congregation of priests who will be serving some of our inner city parishes in Cincinnati: Fathers Henry Hoffman and Brent Stull, C.O.   Their brief bios are in their newsletter here,   (Photo here).

Fathers Henry Hoffman and Edward Hoffman are biological brothers.   It has been far too long since we've had brothers ordained to the priesthood from our diocese.

See a short video at this post.

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