Mr. Biden's budget and funding of abortion


the late Sen. Henry Hyde

As expected from his campaign promise, Mr. Biden is continuing to use the power of the presidency to attempt to make all federal taxpayers complicit in abortion by funding it.  His recent budget proposal seeks to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, a decades long congressional attempt to prevent taxpayers from directly funding abortion.  (Ironically, years ago, when a U.S. Senator, Mr. Biden supported it).   Mr. Biden's initial budget was just presented to Congress.

The  U.S. Bishops have made it easy to protest this outrageous attack on the sacredness of life by including a link to write to Congress.

In the meantime, the U.S. bishops are discussing amongst themselves what to do about this very difficult problem.

As an interesting aside,  despite his active promotion of abortion, Mr. Biden has not yet publicly said the wordas not yet publicly said the word abortion since being inaugurated, instead hiding behind euphemisms such as "reproductive choice."  This use of euphemisms by leaders seeking to inflict grave evils on others has been a very common tactic throughout history, used to justify everything from slavery to genocide.  

Please continue to pray for wisdom and courage for our bishops and the conversion of Mr. Biden and all those who would seek to force Christians to fund the killing of innocent children. 

The National Catholic Register, from which all these stories are taken, is a good source for remaining informed about these prolife issues and news about the Church and the world in general. 


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