Biden Administration promotes research using aborted children


The presidential administration of Mr. Biden continues to advance its strongly pro-abortion agenda.

In a recent move, Mr. Biden's cabinet recently reversed the ban enacted by President Trump's administration using tissue from aborted children in federal research.   The Catholic Church has long uphold the principle that one can not perform an intrinsically grave evil (such as killing a child through abortion) even if a good may come of it (such as advances in medical research).  

A ghastly result of this practice is that the federal government funded by our tax dollars will now in effect be creating a "market" for the tissue of innocent children killed in the womb. 

On the question of the status of baptized Catholic politicians who promote grave sins against life and their relationship to the Holy Eucharist, see Bishop Olmsted's recent pastoral letter

For more on the difficult issue of a baptized Catholic president promoting abortion, read what Archbishop Naumann, the U.S. Bishops' Chairman of Pro-Life Activities, has to say. 

For a summary of the aggressively pro-abortion policies of Mr. Biden's first 100 days, see the description from a local prolife apostolate, Life Issues Institute or the national pro-life apostolate, the Susan B. Anthony List (named for a prominent early feminist and pro-life women's suffragist.)  That latter one will be updated to track the pro-abortion policies of the Biden-Harris administration as they develop. 

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