Vaccine update

UPDATED: 9 March 2021

More news on the vaccine front.  A new single-dose anti-Covid vaccine by Johnson & Johnson has very recently been developed and approved for use in the U.S., adding a new entry into the field of those currently being used to the existing Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

There is not widespread agreement yet on the morality of using these vaccines.

Many solid Catholic scholars argue that all three are morally acceptable and the bishops as a whole have adopted this position.  However, some of the bishops are recommending not taking the Johnson and Johnson vaccine (or at least taking it only if the others aren't available) because it was developed using cells from aborted children.  

Even the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are potentially problematic, because aborted children were used in the testing process. 

Please study the question and then follow your conscience when deciding which vaccine to take to insure that you are not cooperating in serious moral evil.  If an option is available, the Moderna and Pfizer are generally morally preferable to Johnson and Johnson's.

Here are some more detailed resources: 

U.S. Bishops' Conference statement on the vaccines

* Detailed guide from the National Catholic Register newspaper

Catholic News Agency story on J&J vaccine 

* A detailed analysis by the National Catholic Bioethics Center