Palm Sunday and Holy Week

It has been a very long and trying year since public Masses were canceled just over a year ago and Holy Week was constrained to the home.

Good to have people back in church again.  Because of Covid, we had to restrict our Palm Sunday procession to the bare minimum.

Because of that, I am reposting part of an entry from Palm Sunday a year ago, with some beautiful Palm Sunday and Holy Week hymns.

  • All Glory, Laud & Honor - a traditional hymn sung during the entrance (Palm) Procession.  This version is taken from the National Catholic Shrine in Washington, D.C. (Basilica of the Immaculate Conception).    Written by an 8th century bishop.  Lyrics here.
  • O Sacred Head Surrounded, sung by the Benedictine Sisters of Mary from Kansas.  A hauntingly beautiful reflection on the Crucifixion of Our Lord, that is fitting to accompany the Passion reading.  This was probably written by the great 11th century saint Bernard of Clairvaux.  Lyrics here.
  • Finally, here is a Latin hymn called Pueri Hebraeorum (Children of the Hebrews) an ancient chant popularized by one of the greatest Catholic musicians of all time, 16th century Italian musician Palestrina.  Lyrics here.
  • And for good measure, since we should always be reminded that we are a universal Church united under the headship of the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, here is a recording of the Palm Sunday blessing and procession at St. Peter's in the Vatican a while back.   I am always impressed with the way they do that procession at St. Peter's -- with real, live palm branches instead of the dried out fronds we typically use here in the U.S.  Gives more of an idea of what it would be like when Our Lord Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem and people were strewing palm branches at his feet.

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