New Covid guidelines for Mass


The Archdiocese of Cincinnati (AOC) has very recently loosened up some of the Covid-related restrictions on the celebration of Holy Mass.  For instance, they will be allowing hymnals to be placed in the pews again and the use of holy waters in stoups at the entrances to churches.

We are working on plans to implement these changes, but it may take a few weeks, so that you might not see them in place until after Easter.

Note: There currently has been no change to the requirement to remain 6 feet apart from non-family members or to wear masks.

Other protective measures are still in place (no sign of peace to be exchanged, no Precious Blood to be distributed). 

The obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still currently suspended. 

We will keep you informed of changes as they occur.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to work through this epidemic together.

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