The Cost of the Faith


Brian Holdsworth

I am a big fan of a Canadian blogger named Brian Holdsworth.  He is a very bright young man who is a convert to Catholicism and is clearly in touch with the youth of the Church and what will be necessary for the faith to thrive in the next generation.  His thoughtful commentary is worth considering in  a time when membership in the Church is in dramatic decline, especially among the millennial and post-millennial generations.

Here's a sample of one of his videos, regarding the cost of the faith and the danger of watering it down.

He is prodigious in his production (his "day job" is to run a tech company) so here is just a smattering of some of his other videos well worth watching

Needless to say, he is quite countercultural.  But then, Catholicism as true discipleship (rather than just accommodating to the world's values) is by its nature truly (and increasingly) countercultural.

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