St. Jose Sanchez del Rio
St. Jose Sanchez del Rio |
Today is the feast of St. Scholastica. Perhaps more about her later.
It is also the feast day of a heroic Mexican teenager named Jose del Rio.
About 100 years ago, the government there turned severely against the Church and the faithful Catholic men rose up in resistance to their attempt to destroy her. Courageous young Jose (only 14 years old) was part of that movement. He wanted desperately to fight in the resistance with his older brothers, but was too young.
But he did engage in the ultimate spiritual warfare. When the Mexican government tried to force him to renounce Christ, he refused and withstood threats and torture, staying faithful to Christ to the last.
You can read more about him here and here.
In our own times, sharing a common heritage with our neighbors to the South and a common border, our government is becoming more like early 20th-century Mexico's than we might like to admit. It is worth studying the life and times of St. Jose for its own sake and as food for thought on what will happen if committed Catholics and Christians face increasing persecution in our own nation, as looks increasingly likely.
It is not just about political movements (although they are important) but also cultural trends in our institutions. Interestingly enough, speaking of Mexico, Mr. Biden recently revoked a policy called the Mexico City Policy, in place since President Reagan signed it in the 1980s, which prevented Americans from having to pay for abortions overseas. Quite a blow to our freedom of conscience as that means our tax dollars can and will go toward exporting the destruction of innocent life overseas. That policy was named for the place where President Reagan signed the order which Mr. Biden repealed by executive order.
I also recommend an excellent movie about this time period entitled For Greater Glory. (It's a bit graphic in its violence, so not recommended for young children).