Archbishop Cordileone's Excellent pro-life homily


Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is the ordinary (reigning bishop) of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. 

Each year, in commemoration of the gravely unjust Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision of January 22, 1973 , they hold a Walk for Life to witness to the sacredness of life.  This runs near the same time as the annual March for Life in Washington, DC.  

That walk was held this year, even though the larger event in Washington was virtual-only for the first time. 

He is a staunch defender of the Gospel of Life and preached an excellent homily for those many thousands attending the event.

It covers mission and the history of the faith in the Americas.  Well worth reading.

Here is a version of that in written form, published on the website of the First Things journal of religion and public life. 

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