Nine Days for Life

 Novena Prayer for Life  (9 Days for Life)

As we approach the March for Life in Washington, DC, on January 29th, where prolife leaders from around the nation are preparing to witness to the sacredness of life, please pray each day the novena that our U.S. bishops have been encouraging us to pray.

You can watch the March for Life (a virtual event for the first time this year, due to Covid and security concerns) on the website above or on the EWTN Catholic cable channel and website.

These prayers and actions have been carefully thought and and deserve the participation of all the Catholic faithful.

I was a bit late getting this posted.  They recommended starting on January 21st and ending on January 29th, the Day of the March for Life.  But you can start any day.  The important thing is to pray nine days consecutively.  The tradition of novenas (9 day sequential prayers)  is an ancient one in the Church to express our fervent desire to ask the Lord's mercy for an important prayer intention.    We do need to pray fervently for protection of the unborn and the affirmation of the sacredness of life, as we are facing increasing challenges on the political level with our recent elections. 

The summary information is here: 9 Days for Life: January 21-29, 2021 (

Within the fine materials provided, don't miss their suggestions on how to reach out to those who are not prolife, summarized in a small e-pamphlet entitled Another Look at Abortion.

For your convenience, I've also posted the day by day prayers here and will post one entry per day in its own individual post. 

Day 1 

Day 2 

Day 3

Day 4 

Day 5 

Day 6 

Day 7 

Day 8 

Day 9 

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