Year of St. Joseph

Each Holy Father has the authority to declare special holy years, where the faithful around the world can focus on some special spiritual gift to the Church.  Many have been declared over the centuries.  This year, Pope Francis has declared the current year (from the Immaculate Conception on December 8th, 2020 to the same time in 2021) as the Year of St. Joseph.  The link provides information from the always-newsworthy pieces in the Catholic weekly newspaper, the National Catholic Register.

Typically, the Pope also attaches some indulgences* to the year -- special opportunities for ourselves or a deceased love one to be freed from the punishment due to our sins so that the need for purification from our sins in purgatory is erased or shortened.  I'll try to say more about that soon. 

I'll be working on some special activities to observe that in our parishes, especially on the Solemn Feast of St. Joseph on March 19, 2021.  Stay tuned!

* Here are some more resources and information for the Year of St. Joseph

* Here is some useful information on indulgences.  As always, if you have questions about this, don't hesitate to ask!