Midnight Mass still allowed


I have had some questions regarding the celebration of the "midnight Mass" (11:00 p.m. at St. Mary's this year), since Gov. DeWine has recently extended a curfew after 10:00 p.m. through the new year.  

Please be assured that Gov. DeWine has specifically exempted religious services from the curfew, including the midnight Mass.

Here's an article from one of the secular news channels.

Midnight masses to continue on Christmas Eve despite curfew extension (whio.com)

Also note that we are carefully following social-distancing and facial covering protocols so that the risk of Covid-19 contagion will be quite low. 

As a reminder, however, we are asking that for St. Mary Parish only (not St. Peter's) those attending Christmas Masses, including the 11:00 p.m., are asked to contact the parish office to reserve a place so that we can plan for possible overflow. 

Phone 513-734-4041.  Email: sccr.parish@outlook.com 

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