"Let us return to the Eucharist with joy!"


Robert Cardinal Sarah, the head of the Vatican's congregation (department) for the celebration of the Holy Sacraments has recently written a letter to the Church around the world encouraging people to attend holy Mass if they are not at high risk of contracting Covid.  It's entitled, "Let us return to the Eucharist with Joy!"  This beautiful letter and explains what the difference is between watching Mass on TV or the Internet, vs. celebrating it in person.  He explains that, if possible considering health circumstances and other factors, celebrating in person is always preferred.  That is why, in ordinary times, the bishops require the faithful to attend Sunday Mass unless there are extenuating circumstances.   

As pastor, I certainly add my own strong encouragement to all parishioners to come back to Mass if you are not in a group that is high-risk for Covid complications.  

The Our Sunday Visitor weekly periodical has a bit more about this letter.

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