Feast of the Assumption - Special Mass Saturday


This Saturday, August 15th, I will be celebrating a special Mass to honor Our Lady on the solemn feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

That's at St. Peter's at 9:00 a.m.

It's such an important feast day that Catholics are ordinarily required to attend Mass on this day.  However, due to Covid the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and holy days of obligation is still temporarily suspended.  (Plus, even in normal times, the bishops don't require attendance for this day if it is on a Saturday or Monday).

 Please join us if you can, and if not, please pray the Rosary (I recommend the glorious mysteries, which include the Assumption) and/or watch Archbishop's livestream Mass from the Cathedral (see nearbypost).

 If you want to find out a little bit more about what Mary's Assumption into Heaven means, you can read the what the Catechism says in paragraphs 966 and 2853.

Also, if you really want to go into detail, you can read what Pope Pius XII wrote when he formally declared in 1950 this dogma (central teaching of the Church) that the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed (taken up) body and soul into Heaven.


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