State of Ohio now requiring masks in church

Very recently (and with almost no advance notice), Gov. DeWine ordered facial coverings (masks covering the mouth and nose) to be worn for all indoor events in certain counties where the infection rate for Covid-19 is growing.  Yesterday, he added Clermont County to that list, for a total of 12 counties as of this writing.

The Archdiocese is informing us that this edict applies to religious activities as well.  That means that all those attending Mass at  St. Mary or St. Peter will now be required by the State, not just encouraged, to wear masks.  Similarly, this edict applies to all indoor parish meetings.

There is an exception for those with health issues where breathing is made difficult by wearing of a mask (such as asthmatics).  Also, there is an exemption for priests celebrating Mass and those leading a religious service.  The Archbishop is currently directing that his priests must wear a mask while distributing Holy Communion, so I will do that as long as he requires it.

We will continue to have cloth and/or disposable masks available by the church entrances at both parishes. 

For those who don't wish to wear a mask at Mass and do not have health conditions related to breathing, unfortunately, the only option is to make a spiritual communion instead.

The Church is required to follow all civil laws, unless they are immoral or inherently unjust, so we do have to follow this one.

The governor has not issued an expiration date for this order.   As soon as it does expire, I will let the parishioners know and we will return to the policy of encouraging, but not requiring, masks to be worn at Mass.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Please pray for an end to the current epidemic and pray for the Governor to make wise and prudent decisions for the common good of the people of Ohio.

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