New phone extensions

We have been very busy this past month of June getting ready for changes to continue to serve our parishioners in the South Clermont Catholic Region (SCCR).   We have almost completed the move of the regional parish office to Bethel and will soon open the satellite office in the lower level of St. Peter's Church (see nearby blogpost).  We are also preparing for the arrival of Patrick, our resident seminarian, and our new volunteer DRE for St. Mary's, Nancy Shula.  So to accommodate all that, we have reworked the phone system a little

You will still call the same familiar number to reach the parish (513-553-3267 for St. Peter or 513-734-4041 for St. Mary) and Debbie will answer both lines during business hours and transfer you to your party.  However, when she is out, if you need to connect to clergy or staff voicemail, here is the list of those extensions.

Also, not a misprint: the extension for Gary Gunkel and Nancy Shula really is * (the asterisk key next to the 0 on your phone).


SCCR Parish Office
Information / General 
Ext. 0

Fr. Reutter
Ext. 4

St. Peter Office, St. Peter Cemetery
Ext. 1

Blenman, Patrick
Seminarian (starting August 2020)
Ext. 3

Cahall, Jerry
SCCR Bookkeeper
Ext. 8

DePuccio, Debbie
SCCR Office Manager
Ext. 0

Etienne, Deacon Jerry (St. Mary)
Ext. 2 

Feldkamp, Greg
business manager (St. Peter)
Ext. 1

Gunkel, Gary
music, pastoral assistant (St. Mary)
Ext. *

Shula, Nancy
Volunteer DRE, St. Mary  
Ext. *

Stang, Deacon Ron (St. Peter)
Ext. 1

Food Pantry at St. Mary
Ext. 5

Information/cancellation line
Ext. 7    

Emergency contact line
Ext. 9

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