Reservations for Mass

Thanks for your patience while we are continuing to make the celebration of Mass flow as smoothly as possible with ongoing health and distancing restrictions.

After the first week, it has become clear that we will NOT need reservations for daily Mass.  Our capacity has been more than adequate.

So if you would like to come to daily Mass at either parish, please just show up.  The usher will help seat you.

However, we will be continuing to ask you to make reservations for the Sunday Masses (including Saturday evening) for a little while until we are sure we have enough capacity.

One reason is that we will be having some First Communion Masses coming up soon and we will need to reserve pews for family members. 

We will notify you soon by all-parish email when those First Communion Masses will occur, in case you want to shift to Saturday evening.

Also, for those of you signing up online, please note that the online system may inaccurately indicate that seats are not available.  When the online system shows no seats left, this does not always mean you can't reserve a place.  The reason is that we have to keep seats available for those without internet access, who call in instead.  So if you do get online and see a message that no seats are left, don't hesitate to call or email the parish office to check. 

As always, please try to call before Friday afternoon if at all possible.  If you do come to Mass without a reservation, there will usually be a seat and we will do what we can to help you.

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