Religious Freedom Week June 22-29 [UPDATED]

UPDATED: June 27th.  To include the letter of St. Thomas to his daughter, Margaret.

Our U.S. Bishops have asked us to reserve Religious Freedom Week from June 22nd through June 29th.  We have to be aware that our most precious freedom -- the freedom to worship God publicly according to our conscience -- is under attack.  Each year seems to bring new challenges.  This year proves no different.  The recent Supreme Court ruling declaring that Title VII requires recognition of transgender and homosexual "rights" will almost certainly cause lawsuits against Catholic organizations because of their belief in the nature of the human person, and likely result in attempts to suppress their religious freedom.

Here's some background reading on some topics in religious freedom from the U.S. Bishops' conference website.

I also recommend reading about two of the patron saints of religious freedom, St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher.

Well worth the read also is the letter from St. Thomas to his daughter, Margaret, who tried to talk him into violating his conscience so he would not be killed by the king.

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