Parish Office changes

Over the next couple of weeks we will be making a few changes to the parish offices for the region.

Most parishioners will not be affected much by the changes, but we wanted to keep you posted.

We will be consolidating most of the parish office operations into the St. Mary office in Bethel.  This is what almost all of the two-parish regions of our diocese have done for quite some time now: locate the rectory (priest's residence) in one parish and the parish office in the other.  This provides for more efficient operation and avoids duplicating expenses.

The rectory will remain at St. Peter.  We will be converting the current St. Peter office on the lower level of the rectory into a small apartment for Patrick, our seminarian in residence, who will live here from August of 2020 to May of 2021.

Debbie will be working four days a week at the office in Bethel.  We'll post those hours soon.  Currently, it's 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. weekdays except Wednesdays.

Except for people who walk in to the office, you will see very little change: Phone calls to St. Peter (553-3267) will automatically ring at the Bethel office.  Postal mail sent to St. Peter will still be delivered.  (But it will be a little faster to send mail directly to the St. Mary address, below).  Emails sent to will of course be answered from both parishes.

For those who do wish to walk in at St. Peter to avoid the drive to Bethel, we are almost finished setting up a small office in the lower level of the church building there.  We will have a staff member, deacon or volunteer there at least two days a week and will post those hours soon.  If you wish to meet with Fr. Reutter personally, you can also call to make an appointment to meet him at St. Peter's.

You will be able to have someone take Mass intentions over the phone or in person at either office.

The office sign in Bethel will read South Clermont Catholic Region Parish Office - St. Mary Campus and the one in New Richmond will read South Clermont Catholic Region Parish Office - St. Peter campus.   That's to remind people that the parish office is there to serve parishioners from both parishes.

For building security, we will soon be keeping the office door and garage door closed at the St. Mary Campus location and ask you to ring the bell at the front door when you arrive.  There is one step up to that door.  If you have mobility problems, please call when you arrive so we can assist you.  The St. Peter campus location has no steps.  But the door will be locked so we ask you to ring the bell when you arrive there as wel.

Finally, until further notice, we will be asking visitors to wear a mask when they visit the parish office, for the protection of our staff.  We will have disposable ones by the door if you do not have your own.  We are hoping that we don't have to continue this too much longer.

As always, please contact us in the parish office if you have any questions.

Mailing address: 
South Clermont Catholic Region
3398 State Route 125
Bethel, OH 45106

Alternate address for St. Peter:
1192 Bethel-New Richmond Rd
New Richmond, OH 45157

NOTE: Phone calls will automatically ring in both offices.  It doesn't matter which one you call.

St. Peter:   513-553-3267
St. Mary    513-734-4041

email address for the parish office for both parishes:

website for the region:

blog for the region:

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