New priests' ordination video

The Archdiocese has recently published a very good 3-minute video of the ordination of three new priests for service to the Archdiocese.

You will hear snippets from Archbishop's Schnurr homily and see a few scenes from that ordination Mass.  There are many powerful symbols in that ordination ceremony, including the men about to be ordained priests lying prostrate (on the ground, face down) before the altar, symbolizing that they are dying to themselves as they become "another Christ."

In the photo above, after the bishop consecrates the men with prayer and laying on of hands, all of the other priests concelebrating the Mass also lay hands on them, showing that they now share in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ, the great High Priest.

You may recognize Fr. Christopher Komoroski.  He was at our South Clermont parishes several weeks when he was still a deacon, to practice his preaching.

I had the privilege of "vesting" Fr. Andrew Reckers (helping him put on his priestly robes during the Mass).

The three new priests start their first assignments soon on July 1st.  Please keep them in your prayers.

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