Mission priest visiting our region [UPDATED July 6]

UPDATED: July 6th.

On the weekend of July 4th and 5th, we were privileged to welcome a visiting priest from the Archdiocese's Mission Cooperative Program.  Fr. Cyril from the Diocese of Moshi in Tanzania, Africa.  That's near the famous Mt. Kilimanjaro.   (He is currently a graduate student at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh.)  The quote above is from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, reminding us that sharing the Gospel with every nation and those in greatest need is at the core of who we are as the Catholic Church.

Tanzania is one of the most economically poor nations in the world, with most of its population living on less than $1 a day.

Please read this brochure for more information on the Diocese of Moshi and what we can do to help.

If you were not able to contribute at Mass last weekend, but would like to help, please send you contribution to the parish office marked "Tanzania mission appeal."   Thanks for your support.

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