Bad news from the Supreme Court

We are hearing more bad news from the U.S. Supreme Court.  In a narrow 5-4 ruling today, they held that a pro-life Louisiana law designed to protect the health and safety of a mother was "unconstitutional."

The four reliably pro-abortion justices were joined by Chief Justice Roberts (sadly, a practicing Catholic) who did not want to overturn precedent.

But precedents aren't absolute.  For example, Supreme Court precedent in the past held that slaves were not worthy of the same rights as freemen.  That unjust precedent was of course overturned, as Roe v. Wade should be, since it is based on the completely faulty assumption that the government has no duty to protect innocent life.

The two justices nominated by the current President voted in favor of the pro-life law.  This is certainly a reminder that an important factor in deciding who to vote for as President is what kind of Supreme Court justices he will appoint.  This one vote difference on the Court will almost certainly mean the difference between countless innocent babies losing their lives.

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