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Announcements for Covid-19 Masses – Pentecost Sunday
· Welcome. Thanks for coming to join with us in this great and joyful feast of Pentecost.
· We appreciate your coming out to worship with us even though there is currently no obligation to attend Mass.
· We do have several announcements regarding the special procedures we have to follow due to Covid-19, according to the regulations of the Archdiocese and the State of Ohio:
· We do ask all adults to wear masks while in the church building and to have your children wear them teenage and up. If you received a disposable paper mask from the ushers, please discard it as you leave. If you received a cloth one, please do not put it back on the table, but take it home with you instead.
· We ask you to observe 6 feet distance from all those who are not immediate family members at all times, including the Communion line and dismissal.
· We ask you to follow the direction of ushers, who might be behind you, for communion and dismissal.
· Please remain seated after Mass begins. After the prayer of thanksgiving, the ushers will be dismissing you back to front.
· We have had to make some adjustments to the Mass
o There will be no sign of peace.
o There will be no congregational singing. At Masses with music, one musician will sing on our behalf.
o We ask you not to hold hands with anyone outside your immediate family
o The Precious Blood will not be distributed
o We will continue to distribute low-gluten hosts as needed. Please make sure that you specify this need every time you sign up for a Mass reservation.
o We ask you to continue to sign up for Mass reservation for all weekend Masses until further notice. It will probably not be necessary to sign up for daily Masses, but is still recommended until further notice.
* If you wish to leave your church envelope or donation, please leave it in the basket near the entrance on your way in or out. (by front door at St. Peter's; behind the baptismal font at St. Mary's)
· Regarding receiving Holy Communion:
o You are not obliged to go to Communion if you don’t wish to do so. If you choose not to go, please step out of your seat so that people don’t have to come close to you as they pass you..
o The ushers will have one section come to Communion at a time to preserve social distancing (not side by side)
o When the usher has indicated you may go to Communion, please remove your mask before approaching the priest.
o Please put it back on after receiving Communion.
o If you receive Holy Communion in the hand, please make sure your hands are flat and level and parallel to the floor, with your writing hand placed securely underneath the other. Please do not move your hands at all until the priest has completely withdrawn his hand. Temporarily, you do not have to respond, Amen.
o Archbishop has temporarily only during this pandemic discouraged the faithful from receiving Communion on the tongue. However, you are still free to do so since it is your right. The ushers will be placing a kneeler in the center in front of the altar. Please use the kneeler, tilt your head back slightly, extend your tongue slightly, and make sure not to move at all until the priest has completely withdrawn his hand.
o In lieu of extended hymns before and after Mass, we will be saying prayers instead.
o You are welcome as you leave to take several things: the parish bulletin, available in limited supply, devotional prayer books, and whatever else is on the table for you. Please note that if we run out of bulletins, they are available on our parish website, ccc.city, under
o Please do not put anything back on the tables (such as handouts). Either discard them or take them home with you.
o Finally, thanks for cooperation with all these new procedures. We know it is a confusing time and that there will be many inconveniences, but we hope to focus on the joy of being in the presence of Christ together again as sharing in His holy sacrifice.