Corpus Christi and other Feast Days

We are coming up on three important days in the Church's calendars, called solemnities or solemn feast days.  Pentecost celebrates the birth of the Church and the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit.  That's May 31st. On June 7th, we celebrate Trinity Sunday (God as a Communion of Divnie Persons). On June 14th, we celebrate Corpus Christi (the feast of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ given to us in the Holy Eucharist).

We usually have some special activities to match up with those feast days, but this year because of uncertainty on who is coming to Mass and social distancing, we may have to delay some of those.

For Corpus Christi, there is a beautiful and ancient tradition of having a procession of Massgoers behind the priest carrying the Blessed Sacrament, covered by a canopy before a special blessing called benediction.  We had plans to do that this year.  Hope to do that next year instead.  For this year, we will probably have adoration time shortly after Mass instead because we can't really do a procession and maintain social distance.  Will try to open that up to those not able to attend Mass (if can't get a reservation).

Watch this space for more information on that adoration time, closer to the day.

Depending on how things go, we might also have our First Communion children at the Mass on Corpus Christi -- certainly a fitting day.

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