Confessions and Adoration this Week

I will have to cancel confessions and adoration at St. Peter's this Monday (5/18) due to anticipated heavy rains on both Monday and Tuesday.  So far weather looks good for St. Mary's on Thursday (5/21).  Still finalizing the plan to move adoration and confessions both back inside the church soon.  Have to make sure that our cleaning protocol is in place before we can do that.  (Covid protocols require that we fully sanitize the church every time there is any public devotion or event there).  When we do resume indoor confessions, we will be able to use the confessional room at St. Mary's because it is quite large and allows for social distancing.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to use the confessional at St. Peter's because it is too small.  I will announce the plan for that soon.  Most likely, I will hear  confessions in Fr. Kennedy Hall in the lower level.  If you are hard of hearing, you might need to contact me to make special arrangements:  Until distancing requirements are lifted, I am required to sit at least six feet away from you, which can make conversation a little difficult.  As always, if you want to go to confession and scheduled times do not work out, please just call the parish office to make an appointment.  Likewise, you can always check the parish calendar to find out about cancellations (or call information line, extension 7).  Thanks for your patience with all of these health adaptations. 

For those who were planning to come to St. Peter's today, there are other options of where can go today to be with Our Lord.  Here is a list of area churches that should be open for prayer.  You might want to call first to confirm.

Holy Trinity in Batavia 8-6pm Every day (Church)
St. Louis in Owensville 8-6pm Every day (Church)
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Anderson Township. 9-6pm Every day (Church & Chapel)
St. Mary in Arnheim 24 / 7 (no restrooms) (Church)
St. Angela Merici in Fayetteville All day, Every day (Church)
St. Bernadette in Amelia 7am-8:30pm Mon.- Sat. (Chapel)
Noon-8:30pm Sun. (Chapel)

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