Please pray for our new transitional deacons

Today Archbishop Schnurr ordained seven seminarians as deacons for service to our diocese.  This is the last major step before they are ordained to the priesthood in May of next year.  It is at the tie of their deacon ordination  that the men promise to pray the breviary of the Church (five-times-a-day prayer cycle) for the rest of their lives and to remain celibate for the rest of their lives, so that they can serve the Church and her people in a completely undivided manner, just as Christ did for His Bride the Church.

Sadly, they had to be ordained in a private ceremony due to Covid-19 restrictions, but it is still a sign of great joy for the Church.

You can find their names in this article from the Catholic Telegraph.

Note that one of them is a local man, Deacon Anthony Marcelli from St. Bernadette in Amelia.

Please pray for them, that they will be good and holy priests with the heart of Christ the servant, and pray for your sons and grandsons, that they may be open to the call to the holy priesthood as well.

The article notes that there were two more men ordained besides those serving the Archdiocese.  They are members of a religious community based at Old St. Mary's near downtown Cincinnati, called the Oratory of St. Philip Neri.  They will reside in Cincinnati and serve at Old St. Mary's and Sacred Heart-Camp Washington parishes, where they specialize in renewal of the sacred liturgy.  Please keep their community in your prayers as well.

Finally, there will be three men ordained to the priesthood for service to our diocese on May 16th: Deacons Benson Lotianga, Christopher Komoroski, and Andrew Reckers.  Please pray for them as they make their final preparations

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