Masses to resume May 31st weekend (Pentecost)

I am pleased to announce that there is finally "light at the end of the tunnel" regarding the celebration of public Masses in our diocese.  The Ohio Catholic bishops have announced that they will allow the resumption of public Masses beginning on the weekend of May 31, 2020 (Pentecost Sunday).

There will certainly be some changes in the way the Masses are celebrated, even at that time, and it is possible we will have to limit the number who can attend.

We will  make every effort to communicate all information to you regarding how the Masses will be celebrated, as it becomes available, so that you will know in advance how we can begin to resume the fullness of our sacramental life together as a Christian community.

In the mean time, please continue to make spiritual communions each Sunday at least, and to do what is most spiritually helpful for you or your family on Sundays such as listening to the Mass on the radio, watching livestream or Catholic cable Masses, praying the Scriptures for the Mass, praying the Rosary, reading the Magnfiicat devotional magazine, and so on.

Here is the letter about the temporary extension of the Mass ban from the Ohio bishops.  Please pray for them, especially our own Archbishop Schnurr.

Also, please note that together with the extension of the Mass ban, the bishops have of course also removed the obligation to attend Sunday Mass until at least May 30th.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office or me personally by phone or email if you have questions or need assistance.

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