Confessions today at St. Peter's

Just a reminder that we will be settling into our regular schedule of outdoor confessions and adoration.  Mondays at St. Peter's 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. and Thursdays at St. Mary's from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.  So we will have confessions and adoration today at St. Peter's.  That's at the same place.  For adoration, park near the main entrance.  For confessions, please walk or drive to the picnic shelter.   For this Thursday, since there is a good possibility of rain, please make sure to check the parish calendar first before coming out to St. Mary's.  If it storms, I'll likely still have adoration for folks who want to stay in the car, but may have to cancel confession.   We'll do it like last week, I'll put the monstrance in the window and people can park in the east parking lot.