Lenten Fasting regulations

This is just a reminder that this coming Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, is one of only two days a year  that Catholics are required to fast.  (Good Friday is the other one).  This discipline is required of all Catholics who are between the ages of 18 and 59.  (That is, on or after your 18th birthday and before your 59th birthday).   Catholics younger and older than that are certainly welcome to engage in this fasting as well.

Fasting is one of the precepts of the Church -- that is, the bare minimum for all disciples of Christ.  Among those precepts, Catechism paragraph #2043 reminds us of the purpose of fasting:

This ancient practice commended by Christ Himself "prepare[s] us for the liturgical feasts and help us acquire mastery over our instincts and freedom of heart."

The U.S. Bishops have a concise summary of what is required on the two fasting days. 

Those who have medical reasons not to fast are of course exempt from doing so. 

If you are interested in reading more about Christian fasting, its roots and its benefits, I recommend a fine booklet rom the Catholic Truth Society entitled Christian Fasting: Discipling the Body, Awakening the Spirit.  It is not available in print but is available on the Kobo or Amazon e-readers for about $3.

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