
Ohio Heartbeat Law take immediate effect

  According to this recent news story , Ohio's "heartbeat bill" might take immediate effect in our state.  This was signed into law in 2019 by Gov. DeWine, in anticipation of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which happened yesterday.  It would ban nearly all abortions once the baby's heartbeat can be detected. That is typically at about 6 weeks gestation.  This could save many infant lives in our state.  The pro-abortion forces are already preparing legal challenges to block it, so please pray that the law will stand without interruption. We are certainly in for tumultuous times as the opportunity to defend life opens up again. Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, pray for us!

Roe v. Wade overturned at last!

  After nearly 50 years of the U.S. Supreme Court taking away from the states the right to protect innocent life in the womb and regulate abortion, the Court today announced that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and subsequent cases affirming it were wrongly decided. This is certainly time to celebrate, but not become complacent.  The ruling means that each state will have to decide whether and how to protect life in the room.   Archbishop Schnurr has written a letter to the faithful on this matter.  It will be emailed out to all South Clermont Catholic Region parishioners today.  In that letter, he is encouraging involvement in a program the bishops are sponsoring entitled Walking with Moms in Need .  This is a program to accompany pregnant mothers and mothers of newborns.    On the political front, as citizens in the State of Ohio, we Christians should certainly be prayerful, active and vocal in ensuring that life is protected. On the prayer f...

Seven Cincinnati Priests ordained

  This short 5 minute video gives insight into priestly ordinations.

Tips for Christian fathers

  As we approach Fathers' Day, Christian fathers play a vital role in helping their children get to Heaven. Here is a short piece from the website Catholic Exchange reminding fathers how this works.

Pentecost novena

Please join with the parishioners in praying a novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost.  (A novena is a nine-day consecutive prayer for an important intention).  Suggested start date is Saturday, May 28th, so can end on Pentecost, Sunday, June 5th. 

Archbisop's letter on Texas School Shooting

  The following is a letter to the faithful from Archbishop Schnurr regarding the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Yesterday’s horrific news of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas shakes us to our core and reminds us once again of the fragility of human life. This senseless, heartbreaking tragedy reinforces the desperate need for conversion to a culture of life in our country, one that respects the inherent dignity and sacredness of every human being from conception to natural death. I join my fellow U.S. Catholic bishops in sharing the following statement: “There have been too many school shootings, too much killing of the innocent. Our  Catholic faith calls us to pray for those who have died and to bind the wounds of others, and we join our prayers along with the community in Uvalde and Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller. As we do so...

Pro-life Novena for the Feast of the Visitation

  The U.S. Bishops are encouraging Catholics to pray a novena to protect life, especially life in the womb.  The suggested dates for that are from today (Sunday, May 22nd) through May 31st, the Feast of the visitation.  That's especially fitting because this mystery recalls the encounter between the Blessed Virgin Mary, carrying the Christ child in her womb (fully man though fully God, so a real human baby) to her cousin Elizabeth, who carried the great forerunner of Christ, St. John the Baptist, in her womb.  St. Luke learned this scene from the Blessed Mother herself, and notes that St. John was already able to respond to the Holy Spirit of Christ from within the womb, as he leapt for joy. When we contemplate that mystery, it makes it even harder to understand how so many would want to extinguish the precious life God gives us in the womb.  Here's the link to sign up for the novena by email , or, if you prefer you can print out the full text .